If you have growths on your skin you believe to be non-harmful such as moles, birth marks and keratosis, it’s easy to ignore them and continue your daily routine, especially if they are on your back, where you cannot check easily. Board-certified Wichita plastic surgeon Dr. Vanessa Voge encourages you to have all bumps examined thoroughly, at least once a year. Often a harmless skin lesion can suddenly become cancerous and need skin cancer treatment.

Call today for your mole check! 316-263-0234.

Most skin lesions can be surgically removed by a plastic surgeon or other physician. Regardless of who performs the mole surgery, a plastic surgeon, like Dr. Vanessa Voge can be an important part of your treatment team. Techniques used to treat skin lesions can be lifesaving, but may leave a patient with less than pleasing cosmetic or functional results. Reconstructive treatments can often repair damaged tissue, rebuild body parts and restore your appearance and function.

Skin Cancer Treatment. Birthmark and Mole Removal in Wichita, KS

Depending on the type of growth, surgery and recovery varies. For small skin lesions, removal can take place in an outpatient facility. This procedure starts with a simple excision, in which the cancer is scraped out with an electric current to control bleeding and kill any remaining cancer cells. Surgical risks are low and, when performed by an experienced Wichita, Kansas plastic surgeon, will leave minimal scarring.

If the skin cancer is large or has spread to the lymph glands or elsewhere in the body, major surgery may be required. Dr. Voge will work with your physician to remove the lesion and repair the Mohs defect as a reconstructive procedure.

Skin Cancer
Scar Cancer
Scar Revision
Scar Revision