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Eyelid Surgery (Blepharoplasty) - Get Rid of Bags, Droopy Eyelids and Extra Creases

The eyes are often the first feature people notice. Unfortunately, they’re also a place where the earliest signs of aging appear. Are you experiencing unwanted symptoms of aging around your eyes or face? Call Dr. Vanessa Voge, in Wichita, KS, to go your options at 316-263-0234!

Vanessa Voge, MD performs eye plastic surgery on the upper lids, lower lids or both as necessary to meet your personal goals. She helps women and men look rested and bright by reducing puffiness, reshaping the eye’s natural contour, removing excess skin and fine wrinkles, eliminating bags under the eyes and correcting droopiness.

Blepharoplasty Surgery Procedure and Recovery

Each patient has unique goals. Dr. Voge meets with you to create a customized treatment plan to help you achieve the eyes you desire. With surgical precision, Dr. Voge makes an incision in the natural creases of the upper or lower eyelid which leaves little to no visible scarring. Depending on the treatment plan, Dr. Voge creates well-defined, rejuvenated eyelids by redistributing or removing fat deposits, tightening muscles and tissue, and reducing excess skin.

Many patients combine blepharoplasty with a face lift or brow lift for a smoother overall appearance.

Patients typically return to normal activities within 7 to 10 days of surgery, or after swelling and bruising subsides.

818 N. Emporia, Ste 301  •  Wichita, KS 67214  •  t. 316-263-0234  •  855-396-2196